Sacred Heart Congregation
We see a marvelous growth of the Congregation by the Divine Providence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and by the patronage of the Founder Father during the past 111 years. The service of the Sacred Heart sisters has spread not only in Kerala and India, but also in foreign countries too. Today the Congregation has 11 Provinces and a Region. There are about 3600 professed sisters and 440 houses for the Congregation.
The apostolate of the Sacred Heart sisters covers care of the destitute, health care, education, social service, evangelization, press and publications. We run houses for the aged and the children, training centers for the physically handicapped, mentally troubled and handicapped, rehabilitation centers, hospitals and other centers of humanitarian activities. The sisters also help in parish work like catechizing and liturgical training.
In all the fields of their activities, they try to uphold and display their special charism of the overflowing compassionate love of the Sacred heart. The motto of the Sacred Heart Congregation is ‘For love – self, gift and redemption’.
They celebrated their 100 years of existence in a magnificent way, with an attitude of gratitude, experiencing the depth of Christ’s love and mystery of His Heart through the past years.